domingo, 3 de marzo de 2013

Ejemplos de how much y how many.

How much coffe do you drink day?
How much is it?
How much water do you drink  today?
How much did pay for this?
How much does a cup of coffe drink to the week?
How much eat salt a day?
How much sugar does, she eat?
How much coke to the week?
How much milk do you drink?
How much sopu does He want?

How many people are there in the class?
How many children do the Garay have?
How many finger do you have?
How many students are in the class?
How many mistake have you done?
How many times have you asked?
How many days left before vacation?
Haw many questions will you answer today?
How many brothers do you have?
How many books ¿have you read?
How many apples did you eat yesterday?
How many kids do you have?

DIalogo de how much y many

Do you got to at market with me?
Yes, I got to the market with you
What do you need of the market?
I need, bread, and potato.
How many do you of milk?
I need 2 gallons of milk
 And, how many potatos?
I need 1 bag of potatos
Oh, me too and me need juice.
How much juice?
I need 1 bootle of juice
Ok, Its´all?
yes is all
ok, C´mon togheter

Tema integrador Traduccion

Comunicación familiar es más que el intercambio de guerras

 Entre familia,s lo que decimos, cómo lo decimos, por qué lo decimos cuando decimos, y lo que descuidamos a decir.
Es nuestras expresiones faciales, nuestros gestos nuestro poustore nuestros tonos vocales.
Comunicaciones incluye bottin verbal y no verbal longuage. Ver Howe, longuage no verbal, tiene muchos componentes tal os: posición de postura y cuerpo.
Expresiones faciales del tono de voz gestos y monnerims comportamiento y acciones ¿Qué es comunicación?
Comunicaciones quiere importar para pasar una larga para dar a conocer a dar y recibir información. las comunicaciones de la palabra viene de la palabra latina que significa "conmunis" común por lo tanto cuando nos al tentar a costa comun estamos intentamos Ling a esta blish son un "cpmnoness" con otro individuo con un un básico sentido somos tring para shoreo.
Por lúpulo está escuchando la mayoría sikil de comunicación importun. Escucha activa es esencial a familia eficaz comunicaciones abd es vital para la audiencia uno oye la unidad familiar en la escucha activa.
El juicio es suspender y listerne utiliza empath para intentar udestand la persona experiencia sentimientos y el punto de vista. El keyprincepes de mineral de escuchando activo: ENCOURAGE_ drow la persona hacia fuera.
CIARITY_ preguntas para confirmar lo que las personas.
RESTATE_repeat en tu palabra en. la persona dijo.
REFIECT_ en sus palabras de la oun. Dile la ehat persona que escuche.
SUMARIZE_ reitarote las ideas mejor, el mes y felinas la persona ha expresado.
Características del positivo * una de las características de una familia es la capacidad para comunicaciones estos son algunos consejos para ayudarle a inpreve * comunicación dentro de su unidad familiar.
* Aparecen interestead y él está interesado.
* Escuchar cada ot ella qué ot, escuchar lo que otros hombres de la familia autobús son ser sensi ti sentimientos mutuamente – fiel a recreando la sensación.
* No no jun'to conclusiones.
* tratar de ver algo de cada ot ella, s de mugine ver su auto en los puestos de otras personas.
* audic criticarlo.

tema integrador de inlges

Family Communications is more than just
The Exchange of Wars between family,s what we say, how 
We say it, why we say it when we say it, and what we neglect to say.
It is our facial expresions , our gestures our poustore our vocal tones.
Communications incluyes botin verbal and non verbal longuage. Howe ver,non verbal longuage, has many components such os:
Posture and body position.
Facial expressions
Tone of voice
Gestures and monnerims
Behavior and actions
What is Communications?
Communications means to import to pass a long to make known to give and receve information. the Word Communications comes from the latin Word “conmunis” means common therefore when we al tempt to comun cote we are try Ling to esta blish a “cpmnoness” with another individual ar with a a Basic sense we are tring to shoreo.
Per hops the most importun communication sikil is lestining. Active listining is esencial to effective family Communications abd is vital to hearing onel being heard in the family unit in active listening .
Judment is suspend and listerne uses empath to try to udestand the person experience feelings and point of view. The keyprincepes of active listining ore:
ENCOURAGE_ drow the person out.
CIARITY_ ask questions to confirm what the persons.
RESTATE_repeat in your on word. the person he said.
REFIECT_ in your oun words .tell the person ehat you hear.
SUMARIZE_ reitarote the mejor ideas,the mes and felinas the person has expressed.
Characteristics of positive
*One of the characteristics of a family is the ability to Communications here are some tips to help you inpreve *
comminication within your family unit.
*Appear interestead and he interested.
*Listen to each ot her what ot her,hear what other family men bus are be sensi ti to each other feealings – tru to identifity the fealing.
*Do not jun`to conclusions.
*try to see thing from each ot her,s of view mugine your self in the other persons psitions.
*audic being critical.