lunes, 22 de abril de 2013

Parcial 2: The quantifiers = Los cuantificadores, ejercicios

The quantifiers = Los cuantificadores
Much, Many and Lot Of = Mucho
Afirmativo = a lot of, There´s a lot of car.
Negativa e      Contables= Manybooks, coins.
Interrogativa = No contables= Much time, Water.

 Little and Few = Poco
Contables= Few book, few tickets.
No contables=little sugar, little rain, little water

I don´t have much time?
You have a much time?
Me have much energy?
You have so much water?
He has much milk?

I have a many coins in my car
You have a many pencils?
You have a many vegetables?
She has many shoes
He has many cars
Lot of
There´s have a lot of cars
There´s have a lot of vegetables
There´s have a lot of dogs
There´s have a lot of cats
There´s have a lot of bags

She has few books
He has few pens
He has few pencils
You have few balloons
Me have few coins

Me have little sugar
You have little water
She has little coke
He has little rain
He has little hair

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